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Laceez – The No Tie Shoelaces

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Ready for my deep dark mom confession?

I’m sending my child to kindergarten and he cannot yet tie his own shoes.

Parenting crime? Perhaps, but I have taken steps to avoid my son asking his teacher 20 times a day to help him tie his tennis shoes – I bought Laceez!

Laceez are elastic no tie shoelaces. They are brilliant. And you need a pair. Well, more like a pair for all your child’s shoelace style shoes. And your shoes too! Because, yes, Laceez come in adult sizes too!

Truly, I don’t know why regular ol’ shoelaces haven’t been retired. Laceez is where it’s at! This is what they look like:

And here is how Laceez work:

  1. Remove old laces
  2. Weave Laceez through each hole
  3. Let the patent-pending t-aglet design insert rest on the top holes (you choose if they rest on the outside or the inside of the last hole)
  4. Slip your shoes on with ease

It’s that simple! And amazing!

Laceez come in eight colors and are specifically sized based on shoe size so they fit snug. You can use the Laceez Easy Sizer at the bottom of this page to determine what size you need to order. Kids Laceez run $7.95 a pair or $18.95 for three pairs. And that, my friends, is well worth the shoe tying headache they save you from!


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