Pumpkin season has officially arrived. Okay, okay, it arrived a few weeks ago the second September started and people decided it was time for all the Autumn things to begin. Fall officially begins soon so I think we are in the clear to share this delicious Pumpkin Crumb Cake Muffins recipe. PUMPKIN IS THE FLAVOR …
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Search results for: pancakes
Summertime normally has us out and about exploring all the outdoor parks, carnivals, and amusement parks that we can. This summer is a wee bit different because we have been busy visiting family and getting ready to send our first to college. That doesn’t mean we don’t miss those places especially the yummy food that …
Summer is here, and along with it come along some delicious fruits, one of my favorites being mangoes. With their unique flavor, not only are they tasty but they are full of vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin A and potassium. Mangoes are one of the most delicious fruits of summer. They are juicy, sweet, and …
Sure, you’ve heard of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins but have have heard of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread? One of my favorite things to make in the Fall are pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Ever since I was introduced to these amazing muffins during my days as a Claim Jumper server 15 years ago, I have been …
Pancakes are so versatile. Sure, they are one of the best breakfast foods you can make but have you had them for dinner. My kids get so excited to see “All Day Breakfast” on a restaurant menu just so they can order pancakes for dinner. Plus, there are so many variations of pancakes you can …
I know what you are thinking – Pumpkin is only for Autumn. It may seem that way but it’s entirely not true. Pumpkin can be enjoyed all year long whether in breakfast, beverage or dessert form. Think about it, pumpkin is great for Fall but also for Christmas or Easter or Mother’s Day. Tons of …
I’ve always been a breakfast lover. Morning, noon, night – breakfast food seems to hit the spot. Carbs and sweets are usually my favorite so whether it’s waffles, french toast, pancakes or cinnamon rolls, sign me up for a hearty serving … maybe even seconds! Lately though, I’ve been curbing the sugar fest and opting …
If you’ve got a picky eater on your hands, don’t worry- you aren’t alone. Toddlers are notorious for being picky eaters. There are several reasons for this, and this website does a great job of explaining the developmental changes a toddler is going through and how it affects their eating patterns. Here are some great …
I want to be honest, I’ve done this post today more for me than you. It’s the new year, so it is time to get serious about dropping a few pounds. Like most people, I think I say that every year after the holidays. After plowing through Peppermint Desserts, Pumpkin Cake, and endless cookies, it’s …
Obviously Thanksgiving dinner is the biggest meal that day, but since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I’ve rounded up some fun Thanksgiving breakfast ideas for you to try this year! I’m sure many of us are guilty of skipping breakfast every Thanksgiving to save room for the big meal but what’s …
When I was browsing my mother-in-law’s old cookbooks a few weeks ago (yes, actual cookbooks and not Pinterest!), I came across what I thought would be a perfect fall snack – Maple Nut Cookies. Don’t miss our Maple Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars, Birthday Cake Cookies, or Caramel Pumpkin Cookies. For some reason, maple makes me …
I’ve had enough pumpkin treats … said no one ever! Honestly, I don’t know why I wait until September to pull out my autumn-inspired recipes. Pumpkin is delicious all year round! The kids and I gobbled these jumbo muffins down in just one day. Eek! One for breakfast, one for a morning snack, and another after …