With two young children, sleeping in really isn’t on my radar for Mother’s Day. I’ve resigned to that fact and am actually fine with it. Who needs sleep when I’m running on the love fuel of motherhood? Laugh with me, please because let’s face it, love can only carry us so far! Up with the sunrise means more time together and more time together means we can head out on longer adventures to celebrate my special day! Here’s a round up of places you may want to consider spending your Mother’s Day this year …

The zoo is always a popular Mother’s Day stop. We were there year before last and it has been one of my favorite Mother’s Days to date. We packed a picnic, enjoyed the nice weather and most zoos offer a mama deal … ours welcomes moms in for free on Mother’s Day!
Whether you’re near the coast or a lake, spending the day with waves and sand is always a win in my book.
It’s our family tradition to seek out a new park every 4th of July, but perhaps this could become your Mother’s Day tradition? Find one in your town, or perhaps, just a town or two over. Parks are a wonderful place to run off little one’s energy and snap a few special actions shots of mama playing with her kids.
Once the kids crash for nap time on Mother’s Day, feel free to put Dad on duty and sneak out of the house for a pedicure!
Have you heard of a progressive dinner? You have appetizers at one place, the main course at another and finish with a new location for dessert. It spaces out a meal beautifully and keeps everyone’s tummies full as you march across town trying new things.
My very first Mother’s Day, the one where I only had a bump in tow, we ventured out on an easy hike that crossed over a river and through a field of flowers. It was perfect and I hope to take my children back someday. There’s nothing like getting them out to watch and learn in nature.
My kids love hearing about our family’s life before they arrived … where we lived, went to church, worked, etc. Just as much, they enjoy seeing where they were born and the house we brought them home to. Take your kids on a tour of important places and tell fun stories of how things used to be and what a blessing it is now that they’re part of the family.
Another favorite stop of mine is the farmer’s market. We can have lunch, gather groceries for the week and I get to help pick out my very own Mother’s Day bouquet from a local shop.
Is it funny that I love matching with my kids? This year we’re going to go shopping for matching mother/daughter sandals and I think we’ll get my little mister a pair in the same color so he coordinates too 🙂
Wherever you go, don’t worry about scheduling a professional photographer for a photo shoot! Give dad the camera for the day and assign him the task of catching motherhood in action … the laughs from silly knock knock jokes, you carrying tired kids, sitting crossed legged together, kissing their heads – those moments are priceless and you’ll love having snapshots of real life.
Last but not least, this isn’t an activity, but I highly recommend conducting a little Mother’s Day interview with your kids. I love going back and reading what my kids said previous years and can’t wait hear what they come up with this week!
Where will you be going this Mother’s Day? Share your favorite places in the comments!