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Tin Can Flower Bouquets

Sharing is caring!

It all started with Twig and Vine‘s growing kindness hashtag on Instagram #growingkindness. Growing kindness is the idea that simple things we grow can bring great joy to those around us. Things like veggies from our garden, shared wild berries, and little bouquets of blooms. Anything, big or small, can bring a smile to a stranger or warm the heart of a loved one. It’s about the gesture of kindness in an unexpected way.i

As our dahlia plants began to bloom, my big kids started brainstorming how they were going to share their growing kindness bouquets. They set the goal of giving a bouquet to every house in our neighborhood this summer! That’s 14 bouquets we’ll get to share in the coming months … we can’t wait!

We don’t have enough vases saved up so we decided to recycle tin cans! Tin cans have farmhouse charm that fit perfectly with our whimsical dahlia bouquets.

Now, first things first, make sure you get a clean cut on your cans. We have the smooth-edge can opener from Pampered Chef and it’s fantastic! Here are the other supplies you will need:

  • Paper towels
  • Rubber bands
  • Plastic baggies with no zip closure
  • Fresh flowers
  • Coordinating ribbon or tulle

Once your blooms are harvest wet a paper towel and fold it around the stems, rubber band to keep it snug. Put the wet paper towel end of your bouquet in the plastic baggie and use another rubber band to keep it closed.

Tuck into a tin can and add a coordinating ribbon or tulle as the final touch! Surprise a stranger or a friend and if you want, use #growingkindess on social media.

If you don’t have a tin can handy you can always use butcher paper, parchment paper, or even wrapping paper to fold up a cute little bouquet bundle. The point is to grow kindness AND THEN GIVE!

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