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Top Holiday Gifts for New Dads

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Giving a gift to a new dad can be quite the challenge, especially considering they just received the greatest gift of all! While a dad might say he’s got everything he needs, every guy deserves a new toy along with their bundle of joy. Here’s a list of awesome presents for a new or soon-to-be dad.

1. Books

Picking up a book or two for a new dad is a great option. Newborns keep parents up around the clock, often leaving them to find quiet ways to pass the time. For soon-to-be dads (if their little one is stubborn, like ours was,) they’ll want some reading material in the hospital!

If you know their tastes, don’t hesitate to get them a book from their to-read list. If you are not sure, check out these relevant titles that I highly recommend:

Give dad a little heads up on what parenting is “really” like!  You can go the humorous route with the tongue-in-cheek guide, Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads. Or present dad with very informative and well-written book, Mayo Clinic Guide to Your Baby’s First Year.  I loved having the Mayo Clinic Guide at our disposal to give us some insight on our son’s development. Google is too vast, and often overwhelming when you have questions.


As dad’s child grows, he is going to want to find some classic books to read before bedtime. I strongly recommend Daddy Hugs, the Star Wars-inspired Vader’s Little Princess and Darth Vader and Son, and a Mercer Mayer classic Just Me and My Dad. Still not sure? Browse your local bookstore!


2. Life is Good clothing

Nothing says, “Hey, I’m a dad now” like a Life is Good t-shirt, sweatshirt, or hat. You are probably familiar with this brand – they are typically pastel-colored clothes with stick-figure characters and witty sayings like “Grateful Dad” and “Daddyshack.” Delightfully cheesy. It’s kind of a rite of passage (along with gray hair) for father’s to receive one.

Not sure of dad’s size? They have a ton of home accessories; hats, mugs, water bottles, and more.


3. Moleskine Notebooks

It is probably likely that dad doesn’t keep a paper journal. I haven’t met too many men who do. If there is ever a time when I wanted to capture everything I have ever felt on paper, it was when my son was born. There is so much to write, and often times it is hard to express all of your feelings out loud. I kept a running journal for the first few months of becoming a dad, which later turned into a blog.

I highly recommend Moleskine notebooks.  They are sleek, durable, and have high quality paper. Moleskines are available in multiple styles, colors, and sizes. I prefer black ruled line 3.5 x 5.5 hard cover notebooks.  These are pocket-sized and can easily fit into any pocket, bag, or nightstand.


The doctor may also ask dad to record his little one’s poops, pees, and feedings. He’s going need a crisp notebook to do that in, too!

4. Groovebook Subscription

I’ll be honest, most smart phones are equipped to take phenomonal photos. We have an expensive DSLR camera, but I’d say 90% of our family photos are taken from our phones. The trouble with taking photos with cell phones is that far too often, that’s where they stay! Personally, I have all of my cell shots syncing to Dropbox so that I can backup and view my photos at any computer. While your dad in questions may also be tech saavy, they might find themselves longing for hard copy prints.  Enter Groovebook.


Groovebook is a service that allows you to upload 100 of your cell phone photos each month and they in turn will print and ship you a book of perforated 4×6 pictures. It’s a great way to curate, collect, and preserve your memories. My wife and I discovered this company on Shark Tank, and we’ve be a fan ever since.

The best part – you can gift a year of GrooveBook for $35. That’s 1200 photos for dad to snap, print, and share with all his family, friends, and co-workers.

5. Sweatpants

I don’t have much to say about this one. Every dad needs a good pair of lounge-worthy sweat pants. Perfect for dozing on the couch, Saturday morning cartoons, or tummy time.


6. K-Cups

The early days of parenting for us had its challenges. I might have blocked out some of the worst parts already, but I will never forget the sleep deprivation. Some days, sleep was just not an option, and you still have to find a way to be a functioning human being. If you know that dad has a Keurig coffee machine, and a deep love of caffiene (like this dad does) then you can’t go wrong with a box (or case!) of K-Cups.


Coffee is fuel for most dads. It keeps us going. We’ll savor every cup and think of you with each sip.

Stocking Stuffers

Looking for some little things to create a care package? Consider some of these stocking stuffers!

Hand sanitizer, because babies don’t like germs; and there is typically a slew of bugs floating around during the holidays.

Google Play / iTunes Gift Cards, because dad might find himself dabbling on the tablet/iPad with a desire to play a new game, or watch a movie.

Burp cloths, because babies be burpin’.

Ear buds, because there will be times when dad when needs some personal zone-out time.

Six pack of beer, because, well…beer.

Hope this list helps!  What are some other things you recommend for the new dad, or dads, in your lives?

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