Today I wanted to share some tips with you all on packing for Walt Disney World. Tips to save you time, have you prepared, and save you money once there!
– Buy what you can BEFORE you arrive.
Autograph books, Disney apparel like tees and baseball caps, etc. Buy all of these things prior to arriving to save some serious buck-a-roos. Places like Target sell these items, and they are just as cute and way less money! We like to buy glow sticks at the Dollar Store before we arrive to make our nights in the park more fun, too!
– Pack laundry soap so you can pack less.
Bring small laundry soap samples with you so you can do a load halfway through your trip and pack less clothes in general! Don’t forget to pack quarters too!
– Bring snacks.
I can’t recommend this enough! Snacks in Disney World are NOT cheap, so before we left for our trip I went to Trader Joes and packed an entire suitcase full of healthy snacks for our two week trip. This was way cheaper than buying snacks at Disney World and we liked all of the snacks we packed more anyway. Plus then we had an empty suitcase to fill up with prizes when we flew back home!
– Don’t forget the small must have items.
Items like moleskin for sore feet, batteries, zip lock bags, tide pens, beach towels, aspirin, umbrellas, and ponchos.
– Bring your own stroller, at your own risk.
I say at your own risk now because on our flight back home we picked up our stroller only to find it had been damaged on the flight and was broken. A $700 stroller. I was not amused. Luckily ours was registered and we are currently being sent the new parts that were damaged on flight.
We even gate checked our stroller and bought the $25 “protection bag” from our airline. If you’re worried about something similar happening to you, pick up a cheap umbrella stroller to take along but be aware that you will then have to deal with a cheap umbrella stroller with little/no storage and probably short handles for your entire Disney trip which is definitely no fun! Actually, nevermind…skip the cheap umbrella stroller – it’s not worth having to struggle with it all day in the parks! If you are super worried about it, I’d suggest just renting a stroller when you get there.
You will also be leaving your stroller a lot to go on rides, so you might tie something onto your stroller so you can know it’s yours in a crowd: there are a LOT of strollers parked at Disney World! Stroller rentals at Disney World are not cheap and it makes finding your stroller very difficult since everyone seems to rent.
– Buy baby items at a grocery store nearby.
Diapers and wet wipes and other baby items can be so bulky and take up multiple suitcases just on their own! On a visit a few years ago when my son was 10 months old, we stopped at a local grocery store close to Disney World and stocked up on all the baby supplies we needed. It saved us money AND saved us ample suitcase space.
– Stock up on fluids.
Whether you pack them in your suitcase or buy them at a grocery store nearby, a small water bottle runs about $3.50 at Disney World and let’s just say I learned the hard way just how fast that money adds up! BUT that being said, if you ask for a cup of water in the parks it is FREE! Yep, just be sure to ask for ice and know that the water is basically cold tap water but on a hot day it’ll do the trick!
– Pack hangers.
I found it very helpful that I packed hangers along with me. Hotels usually provide about 10 but I needed more and I was so happy I had packed them. UPDATE: We heard from one of our Baby Gizmo mamas that if you ask housekeeping for more hangers, it is never a problem to get more! (Thanks, Sarah B.!)
– Know what your hotel has.
If you’re staying on Disney World property like we always do, your hotels should be stocked with all the usual toiletries. Make sure you check all of the things your room will offer before arriving so you know what you do and don’t need to pack. Do they provide a hair dryer? Soap? Hangers?
– Pack a few extras.
When it comes to Walt Disney World, I think it’s best to pack a few extras. The weather can be cold and rainy one day to hot and humid the next so you can’t always plan it out exactly. Make sure you’ve got layers, a good mix of everything, and a few extras in case you get dirty or soaking wet on Kali River Rapids!
Be SURE to check out Hollie’s brilliant video “Disney World Packing Money Saving Tips” here!