Valentine’s Day is all about love, so who better to spend the day with than the ones you love most- your family! What can you do together that’s fun? Well, we’re sharing 10 Valentine’s Day family activities that are sure to share the love.
1. Bake.
Make a heart shaped Valentine’s Day cake or fun Valentine’s Day cupcakes for dessert! The only rule is, everyone has to get in the kitchen to help and everyone has to gobble everything down!
2. Love notes.
Have everyone in your family write down what they love and appreciate about each other, and then share things what they wrote over dinner.
3. Dress up.
Even if you’re not going anywhere fancy, it’s still fun to dress up! Make sure to wear lots of reds and pinks. You could even put on some music and have a family dance party!
4. Movies.
Watch A Charlie Brown Valentine or other Valentine’s Day movies you and your children love.

5. Heart Shaped Breakfast.
Or lunch. Or dinner. Make every component of your meal heart shaped! Pancakes and toast are probably the easiest to make. Or, just cheat and serve everyone food in these heart shaped bowls.

6. Decorate cookies
Whip up your favorite batch of sugar cookies and use heart shaped cookie cutters to make them Valentine’s Day themed. Color your icing different shades of red and pinks, get sprinkles, and spend part of the day decorating them together as a family!

7. Gift swap.
Before Valentine’s Day, or even on the day of, exchange names and give every member of the family a very small amount of cash to spend on their secret Valentine’s Day person.
8. Spread the love.
Spread the love this year with this family activities. Volunteer at an animal shelter or a homeless shelter to show your children that love means caring for each other.
9. Make extra Valentines.
Spend the day making some extra Valentines for people at nursing homes or soldiers over seas, or even just your babysitter or friends. Write a poem for your neighbor or mailman to show your appreciation. The possibilities are endless for these fun family activities.
10. Make handmade gifts.
Make some gifts like gift certificates for hugs and kisses for grandparents or homemade treats for neighbors!
Which of these family activities have you done as a family?