I’m a reader. Always have been. When I don’t know something or want to learn more about a certain topic I head to the library and stock up! Facebook has also been a great resource for adding books to my reading list. Whether it be a request for fiction or a parenting book, my friends always seem to come through with great recommendations.
So, that brings me to today where I figured I’d be “that friend” who passes on some great recommendations. I could go on and on with new books I’ve been loving, but, to keep some focus I thought I’d share a few of my must read parenting books.
These are the books that have taught me news things, affirmed what I believe and stretched my abilities as a mom. I hope you find them as encouraging as I have!

Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care For Your Baby and Young Child
This was one of the first natural parenting books I read and a real eye opener. I loved it so much I asked our nanny to read it as well so she could get a thorough grasp on our hopes as parents.
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering
Written by an Australian doctor, Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering gives a beautiful and wise perspective on how to approach parenting.
I don’t think I’m 100% free-range, but reading this book gave me a lot of great information to reduce my fears as a parent and power to equip my children to be more independent.
Perhaps not a typical parenting book, but sometimes reading a memoir of sorts can be redeeming in its own rite. I loved Glennon’s story and how she relates to her three children – definitely inspiring!
I saved the best for last. Seriously. I’ve both read this book and listened to it on audio and cannot recommend it more. It will totally revolutionize your parenting goals and aspirations. There is even a sequel now!
What parenting books have you read and loved?