It’s so important for us as parents to teach our young children the importance of giving back so that they will grow up to be giving and kind individuals willing to lend a helping hand whenever they can. Sometimes it can be hard to teach ittle ones how to give back because they are still so small and the concept is foreign to them. So here are some creative ways that you can teach your children how to give back!
-Raid the closet.
Have your children help you look through all the closets in your house and fill a bag with clothes that they have outgrown or don’t need anymore. Explain to them that you are going to donate those clothing items to other children who don’t have clothes of their own.
-Draw a picture, write a letter.
Break out the crayons. Even little kids can draw a picture for our troops. The men and women in the military who are overseas love getting letters and pictures from back home. Talk with your kids as they draw explaining to them that they are drawing pictures as a way to say thank you to these men and women. A Million Thanks is an organization that can help get your letters and pictures to the troops.
-Bake thank yous.
Get your kids in the kitchen with you to bake delicious treats! Drop them off to the fire station or police station or wrap up some goodies to give to your Postal Worker when they come to deliver your mail. It’s such a simple and great way to show your children how a thoughtful act of kindness can go such a long way in brightening someone day!
-Clean out the pantry.
Grab a grocery bag and let your children help you fill it with contents from your pantry. Donate the non perishable food to a local shelter or food bank! Have your children go with you.
-Animals need love too.
Gather some warm blankets, animal treats, and small animal toys, and have your children go with you to a local animal shelter. Homeless animals often get forgotten about and what better way to give back to those loving animals than to bring them some simple necessities and to shower them with love!
-Help neighbors.
Sometimes we forget that we don’t have to go too far to give back. Often times there are neighbors in need of simple tasks that you and your children can help with! Mow their lawn, bring them lunch, do their grocery shopping for them, the list is endless. In the winter months, many elderly people need more help than the rest of the year.
-Collect change.
Let your kids help you with simple chores around the house. Each time they complete a small task, pay them with a small amount of change. Teach them to save their coins and set some aside to donate. Teaching them the value of money and the importance of giving some of it away at a young age will do them a lifetime of good.
-Give your time.
Donations are always appreciated and greatly needed, but another important way to give back is by giving your time. This is often overlooked. Bring your children with you to a soup kitchen, a food bank, or a shelter. Even if just for a short period of time, showing your children first hand how important it is to volunteer your time will provide so many benefits: they will be more grateful, they will become more helpful and think about the less fortunate.
–Adopt a family.
There are many organizations that can match your family with another less fortunate and provide you with the information necessary to help. Google local adopt a family businesses to find one near you. Involve your children in the shopping, wrapping, and if possible, the delivery of your donation.
–Random acts of kindness. Have your child buy a small toy for a friend next time you’re out shopping. Have them pass on their gently worn clothing to a friend who is smaller and younger than they are. Next time you bring a lunch to the playground for a play date, pack extra so your child can share their treats with their friend. Go through your child’s toy box every few months and have them choose a handful of toys to donate to Goodwill for other children who can’t afford new toys. Make it a habit of teaching your child to give back on a daily basis so they grown to know that giving back should be done regularly and isn’t hard to do!
– Set an example. Children see, children do. The most important way to teach your children about generosity is by showing them how you help others. Opening doors for people, giving change to the homeless, donating your own clothes to charities will stick in their minds and show them how important kindness is.
What is your favorite way to show your children how to give back? Is there anything creative that you’ve done to teach your children the importance of giving? Leave us a comment and let us know.