If you’ve got an iPhone and haven’t downloaded the Chatbooks app, I’m about to call you crazy.
Chatbooks is the easiest way to get your Instagram photos in your hands and off your phone. A motherhood must. This simple app links to your Instagram account and allows you to set up a subscription. When you reach 60 photos, it sends you an email prompting you to edit what 60 are included before printing and mailing you the most darling little book filled with special memories.

Probably like you, I have grand aspirations to scrapbook my children’s childhoods and everyday special moments. But I don’t. Between work, preschool, swim lessons, meal prep … scrapbooking falls way, way low on my to do list. So far these days, that it isn’t even on the list.
But Chatbooks? It’s just too easy. I can work on a mini book while snuggling my son to sleep or waiting in the parking lot at school pick up. The price is right too, just $8 AND FREE SHIPPING for each book!
The other feature I’ve learned to love is the hashtag search. This way, I can quickly scrapbook vacations! I chose a hashtag for our Texas trip in February and another for our Yellowstone road trip this summer. When I got home, I simply searched my hashtag, all the photos pulled into Chatbooks and I was able to print a custom book. Vacation scrapbook – done! Seriously, it took less than 15 minutes after I organized the order of some photos and added a couple captions.

If I haven’t convinced you yet, enter this coupon code to get your first book for free … 27W93RHW. Download Chatbooks now, mamas, and get to scrapbooking the easy way 🙂