Perhaps you’re a parent to a baby, or are expecting a baby soon. Perhaps baby sleep is a major priority to you. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit.
In short, the Magic Merlin Suit is to be used as a transition out of the swaddle. It is essentially a padded suit that helps the baby still feel secure and snug without actually being swaddled. It is designed to be used after a baby is three months old (so transitioning out of a swaddle) and only to be used in a crib. It helps to keep the baby cozy and to minimize the startle reflex.
We used the sleepsuit with my daughter (who is now six months old). She loved to be swaddled since day one, and we loved the woombie. She started to outgrow it and at the same time started to roll on her side. However, she had a lot of trouble settling down in just a sleep sack and she still would startle herself in her sleep. A friend recommended I try her daughter’s magic sleepsuit and I figured it was worth a shot.
Immediately, I was impressed with the magic. My daughter was calm and happy the moment I zipped her into the suit. She also slept great that night, and when she did wake up for a feeding went right back to sleep. I was sold.
I put her in the suit every nap and every night for about 6 weeks. She was starting to roll from her back to her belly during play time and I knew our days were numbered with the suit. (It should be noted that you need to discontinue use immediately once the baby is able to roll, as it hinders their ability to roll and they could get stuck on their belly if they are able to get over.)
Unfortunately, there isn’t really a technique to transition out of the sleepsuit like there is with a swaddle. Baby Merlin’s site says, basically, that once the baby is ready to transition they won’t notice once you take the suit away and it’ll be easy. We didn’t have that experience. My baby was trying so hard to roll in the suit that I was so worried she’d make it over and would get stuck on her belly. I was fighting the urge to go cold turkey. One day, I was putting her down for a nap and she peed all over herself- and the suit. I had no choice but to throw the suit in the wash right then and there- and put her down for her nap without the sleepsuit. Much to my surprise, she fell asleep on her own and napped well without it. From that point on, she no longer slept with the sleepsuit just fine. In fact, within two days, she figured out how to roll onto her belly and prefers to sleep that way!
Overall, I was very happy with the sleepsuit for my daughter. It helped her sleep comfortably and feel secure. Sure, it got a bit stressful getting her OUT of the suit, but it only lasted a few days. Would I use it with my next baby (if I have one, of course)? Absolutely.
The Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit is available in 4 different colors: blue, pink, yellow and cream, and two different sizes: 3-6 months and 6-9 months. It currently retails for $39.95.
BUY Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit HERE