Dear Parents,
As brand new parents, we all love those great Anne Geddes images of the perfect newborns in sweet poses that make the heart melt. But sometimes taking a few extra steps to ensuring the quality of your newborn photographer is worth the wait. Here are just a few helpful tips every parent should know when searching for the right newborn photographer:
#1: Find out how long they have been in the business of newborns
When deciding to invest in newborn photography, know that sometimes more years of experience can mean the difference between breathtaking images and a practice session. It’s especially important that your photographer has worked with newborns and if so, how long? You’ll want someone who will respond well to your baby’s needs during the session and keep them out of harms way when it comes to posing and props.
#2: Is the business legit? Do they have insurance?
Either on location, outdoors, or in the studio, anything can happen during a newborn session. That’s why an insured photographer is an absolute must. Most professionals know this and they will be insured but it’s always good to ask. A legitimate, reputable photographer is definitely one who you can trust and understands the business side of photography when providing you with the images.
#3: Ask for referrals from previous clients
Another great thing that gives a newborn photographer credibility is what people are saying about their experience with that photographer. Reviews will give you a chance to view what they might have left out in the initial meeting. These referrals also provide great perspective from a parent’s point of view about the overall experience.
#4: Safety Practices. What are they?
Don’t be afraid to ask about your newborn photographers safety precautions. Many photographers might put weights in their props to ensure they don’t tip over or spotters for tricky poses. In terms of germs and bacteria, an insane amount of handsanitizer and a clean studio is a must. And last but certainly not least…
#5: It’s not all about the price
In this day and age, of course saving money is something we all enjoy doing, but for newborn photography, it’s about much more than that. As mentioned earlier, when choosing to invest in a newborn photographer, someone to capture your precious, delicate, new bundle of joy, you want to make sure they’re professional and their experience is worth that investment.
Often times, published photographers are an added bonus when finding someone who will get the images you want while doing it well. On the other end, when you find a professional who is more focused on the quality of your newborn photography experience and the protection of the baby instead of making a quick buck, you’re sure to find a professional who has a genuine passion for what they do.
Tracy Gabbard of Tracy Gabbard Photography
About the author: Mother of two, Tracy Gabbard is the Tampa Bay Area’s premier professional photographer for newborns, children and families. She has a natural light studio in Clearwater, FL and loves to create sessions for newborns, children and families that are fun and interactive. She has been featured on photography blogs such as, Best Newborn and Maternity Photographers, Lemonade and Lenses, Evoking you,, and National Association for Professional Child Photographers.