Halloween is one of our favorite times of the year and it is right around the corner! What’s not fun about tons of Halloween candy, costumes, trick-or-treating, spooky decorations?! My kids will tell you there is nothing more fun!
Today, I thought I’d take a break from the holiday toy videos and baby gear coverage to show you a really fun and easy DIY Halloween project that also doubles as a snack! Love those two-for-one projects! In today’s Baby Gizmo video, I’m showing you how to make Halloween Chocolate Candy Bowls! Yes, these adorable, easy-to-make, edible chocolate bowls are great for candy but are perfect for ice cream too! Who wouldn’t want to eat the chocolate bowl after gobbling up some delicious ice cream? I sure would! 😉

To get the step by step process (and there aren’t all that many steps!) to making Halloween Chocolate Candy Bowls, watch our Baby Gizmo Video below.