Spring break is way different for moms than it is for kids.
For kids it’s all about taking a break from school, sleeping in (or not), enjoying some down time, and doing a fun activity or two. For moms spring break is about juggling. Who needs to be where and when. What needs to get cleaned. How to deter sibling bickering and promote harmony. And maybe most of all, how not to break the bank when it comes to planning fun spring break outings.
Of course, this is assuming that you’re not planning a spring break vacation. If you are – go all out and enjoy that vacation mama! You can save this list for summer. Which, is right around the corner!
Here is a round up of my favorite family friendly activities that won’t break the bank. Hope you find something fun to do this spring break with your crew of little ones!
Try out rollerskating — Spring break is the perfect time to try a new athletic kind of activity. Recently my kids gave rollerskating a whirl and had a blast! Call your local rink and see if there are any kid or beginner hours/rates. Ours offered a two hour block for a child and accompanying parent with skate rentals all for $5!
Learn a new skill — If your kids don’t yet know how to ride a two wheel bike, head outside and practice! If biking is already under your belt, consider something like juggling or rock climbing. Ask your kids what piques their interest and let that guide you.
Give to local animal friends — Call your local animal shelter and ask what donations they need most. Go shopping for supplies and stop by to donate and snuggle some sweet animals. Truly, it might not even take shopping, our shelter often asks for old towels and that’s something easy to round up at home or ask extended family members for.
Go window shopping — Head to the store with the intention to JUST LOOK. Make sure your kids know that no matter what, nothing is coming home with you. Teach them to enjoy window shopping. Allow them to take photos of things they like. Discuss money and what they could do to save up for something they love. Then go home and enjoy toys you already have. Contentment is a beautiful and worthwhile character trait to practice and grow.
Visit the dollar store — Shopping is totally OK, but, keep your spring break budget in line with a stop at the dollar store. Give your kids $2 (plus tax of course) and allow them to choose one thing for themselves and one thing to give to someone in their family.
Cookbook creations — Pull out your family’s cookbooks and let your kids choose a yummy dessert. Then bake together! Deliver samplings of your creations to neighbors, coworkers, or extended family.
Build a fairy land — Head outdoors (to your backyard or a local park) and gather bark, moss, sticks, and pinecones. Create a little fairy land for others to stumble upon.
Life in the working world — Most likely, mom or dad is still going to work while the kids are on spring break. Pick a day, pack lunches, and visit the working parent at their place of employment for a indoor picnic lunch and mini tour.
Go someplace new — So often we get in the rut of visiting the same park, same library, same pool. etc. For spring break, pick a new place! Go one town over or ask friends for recommendations.
Find a jukebox — Call a few local diners and see if you can track down a jukebox. Take your kids in for a treat and let them experience some oldies music!
What budget friendly outings are on your agenda? Share your ideas in the comments! And remember, to make spring break awesome, all your kids want is you! Pick one, maybe two outings to make the week extra special and then dose up those darlings with hugs, snuggles, and some good ol’ fashion conversation.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash