Spring has sprung and it’s time to give the garden some attention. Looking for some interesting upcycled garden ideas? Well, we’ve got you covered. This spring your garden will blossom and bloom with upcycled, earth friendly surprises in every corner.
Make markers for your garden out of scrabble tiles and paint sticks for a great upcycled garden idea.
Make little seedling planters out of toilet paper rolls
Make a bird feeder out of toilet paper rolls, nut butter and bird seed.
Make a trellis out of an old crib mattress is a great upcycled garden idea
Make a colorful planter out of an old tire.
Use your kids old toys to make fun planters, too!
Make inversted tomato planters out of old water bottles!
Another upcycled garden idea – Spruce up your fence with these colorful tin can planters!
Use tin cans to make these lovely windchimes!
Make a whimsical walk way through your garden with old tires.
Have any other upcycled garden ideas you would add to the list? Leave us a comment below!