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10 No Cheat Treats!

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I have a terrible sweet tooth that gets me into a lot of trouble, and because I was tired of feeling like I had no power over my cravings, I decided to do something about it. I didn’t need to lose weight, I just wanted to be a healthier me and simply feel better. I’m not the type who can eat one cookie out of the box and call it a day. I’m the type who as no self-control and eats the entire box. So, I resolved to step up my self control and cut sweets, sugars, and sodas out entirely.

Today I wanted to round up some delicious no cheat treats for you because healthy eating can still be fun, creative, and delicious. If you made the New Year’s resolution of eliminating sweets or if you’re like me and just want to try eating healthier in general, then this post is for you. These delicious treats are healthy and won’t cause you to cheat! I’m happy to say that I’ve gone a whole year without soda and months without sweets. It gets easier as you go!

Photo Source: Krystas Life In Food

Frozen Fruit Cocktail Cups. This recipe from Krystas Life In Food shows us how to make a healthy fruit cup snack filled with strawberries, pineapple, mangos, and blueberries. You can make these ahead of time for the whole week and add any fruits you like best.

no bake protein
Photo Source: Quiche A Week

Homemade Protein Bars. Protein bars we can make ourselves? Yes please! Quiche A Week shows us a variety of bake and no bake bars which will save you money on store bought ones.

ants on a log
Photo Source: Make Shoppe

Ants On A Log. I’m sure you’ve all heard of this healthy snack before. Make Shoppe breaks down the beauty of the ants on a log recipe for us which is just simply, celery, peanut butter, and raisins. This is a quick, one minute snack you can whip up that’s healthy and full of protein.

Photo Source: Pip And Ebby

Homemade Granola Bars. This idea from Pip And Ebby combines good, healthy ingredients that taste delicious. Honey, flaxseed, almond butter, applesauce, and a handful of other ingredients are what you’ll need to make these granola bars.

Photo Source: Care 2

Healthy Homemade Popsicles. I know we all want to fill our carts with ice cream and popsicles every time we walk past the frozen food sections in the grocery store, but instead of buying all those cold treats that are loaded with calories, try making your own healthy version with this recipe from Care 2. Load your popsicles up with fresh fruits and veggies for a healthier twist that’s just as yummy.

pizza bites
Photo Source: Momables

Zucchini Pizza Bites. There’s almost nothing more satisfying than pizza! Especially when it’s delivered right to your door. While this recipe for zucchini pizza bites from Momables won’t come with a knock at your door, it’s much healthier, and still very tasty!


Homemade Fruit Snacks. This low calorie recipe from Cooking Creation is a homemade, healthier version to the store bought fruit snacks. Slice them into small squares and enjoy! There’s only 130 calories in a serving.

Photo Source: Chef Tess
Photo Source: Chef Tess

Baked Chickpeas. These healthy chick-nuts from Chef Tess taste like a cross between a peanut and corn nut. They’re loaded with fiber and protein and will fill you up.

protein bars
Photo Source: Desserts With Benefits

Peanut Butter Fudge Protein Bars. Who says healthy eating has to be boring and taste bad? Make these protein bars from Desserts With Benefits and you’ll be asking yourself why you didn’t start snacking healthier a long time ago! These are sugar free, vegan, and only require six ingredients.

Photo Source: Healthy Eating

Healthy Popcorn Balls. Use these ideas from Healthy Eating to enjoy popcorn without the guilt! Skip all the extra butters and salt and calories and opt for popcorn that is healthy, low calories, and delicious!

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