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10 Funny White Elephant Gag Gifts You Can Get On Amazon

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Now that Thanksgiving is officially past, the Christmas parties can begin! And chances are, you’ll be attending at least one party where you’ll play the famous White Elephant game. The thing that makes this game fun are the gag gifts so if you’re getting ready for a party with this game, check out our list of 10 funny gifts you can get on Amazon right now!

People of Wal-Mart adult coloring book: Adult coloring books are all the rage right now, correct? Just make it…a little more adult with this type of coloring book!
Amazon $9.97

Money soap: Funny, but also rewarding so no one will be disappointed when they open this white elephant gift!
Amazon $13.46

white elephant money

How To Traumatize Your Children book: As stated in the book, “This book is a work of humor meant solely for entertainment purposes. It is not intended to recommend or advise regarding how to raise children.” So, a parenting parody. Now we can begin laughing at this gag gift!
Amazon $10.39

101 Dad Jokes book: Dads don’t just think of the bad jokes overnight! Help them out with this book!
Amazon $5.99

Boob Cube: No, it’s not what it sounds like, I promise! This is a rubix cube for people (like me) who have no idea how to complete a real rubix cube. It’s also great to give your little kids when you’ve solved the four solutions.
Amazon $9.99

white elephant cube


Prank Gift Box: Want to hide the identity of the real white elephant gift inside a joke box? Amazon has a wide variety of these and they’re awesome!
Amazon $7.75

Public Toilet Survival Kit: Great gag gift and actually quite handy for your kids when you’re out and about!
Amazon $7.99

Whatever I’m Late Wall Clock: I really want this one, actually. And I know I’m not the only one who runs late since motherhood came ‘round!
Amazon $15.95

white elephant clockBear Mop Slippers: I honestly wish I had a pair of these myself for those days when I’m too tired to mop up after my kids (which….is pretty much every day).
Amazon $11.99

Dad Bag Fanny Pack: This is disturbing…but a great gag gift for a funny round of white elephant.
Amazon $11.99



Did you get any of these gifts for your Christmas party? How’d it go? If you have any other funny white elephant gift ideas, leave us a comment!

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