Because last winter was SO long and miserable, I learned a lot about myself. I learned that I absolutely HATE the cold (I knew that already but the long winter really reiterated that hate), I learned that I really CAN’T eat the same things I did in high school (goodbye beach body that I never really had), and I also learned that it didn’t take long for me to go stir crazy (there are only SO many TV shows to binge on, on Netflix).
I had such bad cabin fever that I would literally be excited when we had 40 degree weather. FORTY DEGREES. I would bundle up and venture out…even if it was just to go to the grocery store for five minutes. This year, there will be NO way I am taking a baby and a toddler out anywhere. Knowing this in advance, I have been growing a list of activities to do and buying supplies to keep us busy before it gets nasty (FYI: It most definitely snowed on Halloween, and we woke up this morning with snow STILL on the ground. Thank you Michigan).
Below is a list of five activities that you can do with your kids at home when the weather outside is seriously frightful. And some you should already have everything you need at home!
3 supplies-Box fan, a sheet, and tape. Seriously, tape the sheet on 3 sides, blow air into them with the fan, and have fun in your awesome new fort. Coolest mom ever? Yeah, you’re welcome.
I used to be about camping. I loved it. I know with having 2 boys, it’ll make a comeback. And for now, we are what I like to call “campers in training.” Not to mention that while it’s cold, this is a nice reminder of warmer weather. Added bonus: S’mores.
I absolutely adore the sound of the rain. Rain sticks are still one of my favorite things to play with! This is a pretty simple craft to make with the kiddos to keep them occupied for a little while without BEGGING to go out in the freezing cold.
Click here for BABY SIZE rain sticks.
This is the cutest idea for mismatching socks EVER. I know my son will absolutely love doing this. Throw some blue tissue paper (“water”) into a laundry basket with the little sock fishies and let them fish away!
Okay, so if you’ve done everything mentioned above and your children are still dying to get outside, try making some snow ice cream. It’s really easy to do, and I’m sure you have the ingredients already (milk, sugar, vanilla & snow). No complicated mixing or anything. Just make sure you don’t grab any yellow snow…
Besides building a snow man, what do you plan to do with your kids once Jack Frost shows up? Tell us below!
Heather Meyer
Friday 7th of November 2014
Well we plan on doing a bunch of Xmas crafts such as, decorating our own ornaments, paint some Xmas pictures, decorate Xmas cookies n whatever else we can find on pinterest :)