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Heather Hemmert

Heather lives with her husband, daughter and son and has learned to accept that Utah is now her permanent home. Before becoming a stay at home mom, she taught elementary school and loves to use that background to create fun activities to entertain her children. Though staying home with the kids is great, Heather has always enjoyed finding more ways she can keep herself sane, including elaborate cross stitch designs and playing with any puppy she can find. She particularly loves to read and write and prides herself in always remaining honest in her posts about life as a wife and mother, even when the truth is sometimes embarrassing.

You finally got pregnant, spent nine long months cookin’ that little human, and now he’s here! The baby you’ve been anticipating arrives safe and sound, and….. so have all the visitors. After all your hard work to create and birth your child, it’s no wonder why so many moms (especially first time moms) are so …

Read More about How To Address Visitors Around Your Newborn