At 34 weeks, I’ve decided it’s time to start packing my hospital bag. I’m sure I packed it earlier with baby number 1, but with a toddler running around and keeping me busy, my hospital bag has been way down the list of things to do. Way, way down. In an effort to get the …
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Despite the fact that I am 32 weeks pregnant and sweltering in the California heat, I love summer. I love the abundance of fruits and vegetables that appear, allowing me to to create smoothies and popsicles and chocolate covered delicious-ness. When I take out my blender my 21-month old screams in happiness “JUICE!!!” This makes …
Something that had never even crossed my mind, recently appeared on a Facebook group page, and really surprised me. This article by the Well blog from the New York Times was posted regarding how common it is for children, who are in the laps of an adult when going down a slide, to fracture themselves. …