We’ve all been there. It’s time for your summer vacation. You’ve made all the arrangements; the hotel is booked and the plane tickets have been purchased. You have everything packed (you hope) and are ready to go. Or are you? What is in your travel diaper bag? I don’t know about you, but I never seem …
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There must be something about a car road trip that triggers a baby’s meltdown mechanism. Oh sure…most children love the car in small doses, and you may even be one of those lucky parents whose little one is actually lulled to sleep by the motion of a moving vehicle. We’ve all heard the stories about …
Bath time can be tons of fun for the whole family. Most babies love to play in water of any type, and the bath is no exception! Children are naturally curious little creatures and water is a sensory extravaganza. From the feel of the water to the sounds of splashes and sprinkles, bath time is …
Little Bud has been blessed with a full (and I do mean FULL) head of the softest, most beautiful baby hair known to man. OK OK…maybe I am being a bit partial, but what mother doesn’t think her child is the most beautiful/smartest/coolest kid ever? Truth be told, Big Bud was a baldy until he …