This Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 10th) has the potential to be a hard one. With the likelihood that many states will still be under some type of stay-at-home order making celebrating mom tough, and shipping delays at many companies making last-minute ordering difficult, what’s a family to do? Well, here are some ideas for stay-at-home Mother’s Day gifts that will make mom feel special and include celebrating mom.
Breakfast in bed
It’s a classic, but it’s a good one. Whether the kids create a surprise treat for mom, or you go all out as a family to make her favorite dish, she’s sure to appreciate a meal served to her like the queen she is. As long as you let her sleep in first.
When you do your essential grocery store run, pick up a bouquet of flowers for mom. Or make some flowers using construction paper and chenille sticks. My mom, my husband, and I all still have the bouquets my daughter made us for various holidays (apparently Papa got left out?). And here’s a tutorial for beautiful coffee filter flowers to make with kids. If you’re feeling ambitious with tweens and teens, google “coffee filter flowers” for some really intense tutorials to try.
Alone time
This time of year, lots of memes float around about how all moms want for Mother’s Day is for their partner to take the kids and leave. Well, that might actually be truer than ever this year, with everyone all cooped up together for so long. Does mom want some time to herself? Take the kids for long walk or a car ride and give mom as much of a break as you can manage.
Family time
Conversely, have you had enough family time, or are you just all smooshed together in the same place trying to make it through this COVID-19 craziness? If you’re looking for some quality time, give mom the gift of a family game night. Or you if you haven’t hit (or totally blown past) your family’s personal screen time limit, why not do a family movie night complete with snacks in the living room?
Looking to really spoil mom this year? Now’s a good time for a new tablet. With all the Zooming, Skyping, Face Timing, e-reading, and screen time that’s going on right now, a great screen is a girl’s best friend. Plus, you can order one—and get it in time for Mother’s Day—from numerous places right from the comfort of your living room.
Yup, I just told you to make your mom a mixtape. Grab the family and make a list of the songs that remind you of mom. Whether it’s “You Are My Sunshine” (because whose mom didn’t sing that to them), or the song that she always embarrasses you by dancing to when it comes on the radio, put together a playlist that exclusively hers.
Coupon Book
Another classic gift. Put together a coupon book full of coupons that will mean something to your mom. Whether they’re coupons for chores around the house, an interruption-free virtual meeting for work, giant hugs, a kid-created art project for the house, dinner, or whatever else imaginative minds can come up with mom is sure to love them.
I just got one of these for my anniversary. Not the most awesome gift, to be sure, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. If you have a really awesome gift all set and COVID-19 has ruined your plans, go ahead and give mom an amazing I.O.U. While it’s a little disappointing on the front end, we all know the time will come when those I.O.U.s can be cashed in for the real deal. But maybe think about the flowers or something, too, eh?
If you’re looking for even more ideas for celebrating mom, check out these DIY Mother’s Day gift ideas and these behavior-based gift ideas.