It’s all the rage in the grade schools this winter to make paper snowflakes. Not just the simple cut a flat snowflake out of a sheet of paper type but an elaborate 3D craft that kids like to hang around the house as decoration. While these snowflakes look complicated, my 9 year old daughter showed me how simple they really are to make. She even taught her 7 and 5 year old brothers how to make them as well. Yep, sometimes they actually get along. 🙂

While the temperatures are dipping into the single digits all over the country this week (even in North Carolina!), we thought it might be a perfect time to do a craft. What else are you going to do with the kids when school is cancelled and it’s too darn cold to even go outside?!?

Our Lil Baby Gizmo host shows you how easy it is to make these fun 3D paper snowflakes with just plain printer paper, tape, scissors and a piece of string to hang it.