We’re all busy moms to some degree. Whether you have a 9-5 full time job or are a stay at home mom, we all have things we need to get done day after day. Sometimes our busy lives don’t leave much time in our schedule for cleaning.
If you’re blessed enough to have a cleaning lady, I am jealous. I sometimes wish I could just kick my feet up and have a magic fairy clean my house. Since I know no magic fairies, today I’m sharing some cleaning tips for busy moms! Follow these mom tips and you’ll have your feet kicked up in no time.
1. A place for everything, everything in it’s place. Have a place for everything. Shoes, toys, books, EVERYTHING. Start by putting everything in it’s place. And if some things in your house don’t have a designated space, find one for them or donate them!
2. No place, no space. Donate items that you can;t find a space for and that you aren’t using if they are still in good condition or toss them if they aren’t. Having clutter in your house is a sure way to easily make it messy and cluttered.
3. Simplify. Have a million appliances that you never use? Don’t give them counter space. Put them in drawers or closets. Have so many clothes you can hardly get to the ones you actually want to wear each morning? Donate some clothes!
4. Know what needs to be done. Take account for all the messes in your house. Do you need to dust, vacuum, what needs to get done?
5. Make lists. I don’t think I could survive without lists! Make a list of every single thing that needs to be cleaned in your house, down to the nitty gritty.
6. Designate a time. M0ndays are always my cleaning days. I start the week off by cleaning my entire house from top to bottom. Of course I feel like I’m constantly picking things up and washing dishes day in and day out but Monday is the day I really go at it and do a deep cleaning of my house. Go big once and it should last you at least a week.
7. Do your picking up at night. I used to pick up toys all day long. Then I realized how stupid that was because my son was just making a mess trail behind me. Let your kids go to town during the day and limit picking up the toys just once! No need to do it five times!
8. Get help. Have children who are in school or younger ones who like to help out around the house? Put them to work. Give them simple chores to do that will help you out and save you time!
9. Hire a professional. If there’s a month where you are working really long hours and just don’t have the time, hire a professional. Have someone give your house a good deep cleaning once every few months if you are a busy working mom.
10. Set realistic goals. Try to get one room done a day. Or set a time limit and clean for 30 minutes, whatever time you have. Set realistic goals that you can meet!
What cleaning tips do you have for all of us busy moms? Leave us a comment and add to the list!
Gladys Marsh
Monday 21st of December 2015
This is so much for me! I am so busy that hardly I find time to vacuum the floor and clean the dust from the furniture. I need to establish some routine that will keep my home cleaner. Thanks for sharing