If you live in the majority of the country right now, you know one thing- it’s !#&%*#ing cold!
So far, we haven’t gotten too much snow. Last year our region hit nearly record-breaking snow totals, so I am mentally preparing for the same to happen again.
That said, last year I had a newborn. I was bored at home all the time, sure, but I didn’t have to entertain him so much- it was nurse, tummy time, jumperoo, sweet potato, music, nap, repeat.
This year, and all years to come, I’ve got a toddler on my hands who is itching to be entertained. My little guy loves to run and play, so I need to find creative ways to do so when stuck indoors on these freezing cold or snowy days. Here are a few of my favorite ways!
An Old Fashioned Fort
Parents- don’t ever overlook a pillow fort! They need not be fancy- kids sure don’t care what they look like. It’s all about how they feel inside of one- which, let’s be honest, is super cool. My son could easily kill an hour inside a fort under a throw blanket having a snack and reading books. And that’s what it’s all about, right? Killing time until daddy gets home? No?
Baking a Treat Together
My son’s big on helping, and I find snowy days to be the best to whip up a batch of cookies with his help. Sure, it can get messy, but what else do you have to do besides clean? You’re not going anywhere…
Make Something Homemade
I leave this one vague, as it’s on you to have the proper supplies on hand. But using a few household ingredients, you can create your own play dough, floam, play sand, slime, and fake snow.
Bring the Snow Inside
If you have some [clean] snow outside, fill up a [clean] plastic bin and bring it inside! My son loves to smush his hands in it and play with it just like he would sand. You could also try painting it (try this recipe for kid-friendly paint) or making a miniature snowman!
Bring Out the Cardboard Box
Let your child / children dictate what that cardboard box will be- a road map? A rocket ship? A table? A castle? Bust out the markers, stickers, and parent-supervised scissors to create whatever their little hearts desire.
Browse Pinterest
When all else fails, sacrifice ten minutes of nap time to quickly browse Pinterest. There are, quite literally, hundreds if not thousands of ideas that I couldn’t include in this list that can be specific to your children’s age(s) and interests.