Potty training is one of those milestones that parents would like to get to and finish quickly. They are desperate to ditch the diapers but potty training can be a struggle. It can be messy. It can be frustrating for both parent and child.
Potty training is one of those rites of passage that every parent must go through. It’s easy for some (or so they will tell you!), but for many parents, it is an ongoing struggle that can last anywhere from a month to two years if you are talking about complete potty training, nighttime and all!
With three kids, each potty training journey was different. They were all ready to potty train at different ages and one was always harder than the other two. We had our struggles just like most parents, but we made it through. We’ll all make it through. Your kid will not go to college in a diaper, I promise. No matter how many times that annoying neighbor down the street or that know-it-all at playgroup tells you they were able to potty train little Johnny in one afternoon, believe me when I say, they are lying. No child potty trains completely with no accidents in an afternoon. Or a weekend.
“Okay, Susan, your kid potty trained completely during an episode of Shameless. He’s brilliant. Whatever.”
No matter what Susan brags about, it’s not always easy, but it’s doable. With my kids, one common product helped a lot. A kid-sized potty.
I always recommend that you get your child a kid-sized potty so that they can be excited about their potty training journey. Sometimes the regular potty can be scary or intimidating for kids so a potty that is just their size will definitely help.
We’ve teamed up with Summer Infant to tell you about a fantastic new potty that will definitely help potty train and transition them to a big potty. The new Summer Infant My Size Potty Train & Transition is a 2-in-1 potty training system.
The My Size Potty Train & Transition looks and feels just like an adult toilet but just in a mini size that is perfect for a toddler. A full-size toilet can intimidating for a little one but this new My Size Potty gets kids excited that they have their own place to “go” and it looks just like mom and dad’s but in their size perfect for their little bum.
The soft foam potty topper provides a comfortable seat to keep them comfy as they are trying to go and the integrated splash guard keeps the pee in the bowl and not on the floor. The My Size Potty features a flip-up lid (just like a real toilet) and a removable, easy-clean bowl with integrated pour spout to easily clean up after your child is finished.
I love the built-in, full-size wipe compartment that is located in the “tank” of the toilet that is great for clean-up as well.
One of the favorite features of the potty for toddlers besides the size is the interactive handle that features a flush sound that sounds like the real thing. Yes, toddlers might not like to use a potty at first but most LOVE to flush so it’s like a reward when they are done using the potty. But just so you know, it doesn’t actually flush so don’t leave the contents just sitting there. It’s quite easy to lift the seat lid and pull out the bowl to dump and wipe clean!
When it’s time to transition your child to the adult toilet, the removable, soft foam potty topper can be placed onto the adult toilet. It even includes a storage hook making storage easy so that the potty topper can easily hang on the adult size toilet when not in use.
The Summer Infant My Size Potty Train & Transition retails for $39.99. You can find out more information (or purchase!) the potty on SummerInfant.com.
To all the potty training parents out there, good luck. You will get through this and hopefully this potty will help. 🙂
*Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Summer Infant. As always, all our thoughts, opinions and thoughts are our own.