Every child gets sick at some point in their little lives. Be it a cold, a flu, an ear infection, or something slightly worse. As parents we need to know the importance of watching out for different signs and symptoms that are children may show. Some signs point to minor things that will easily go away on their own at home, but sometimes the symptoms your child is showing may point to something more serious that requires a doctor visit. Today I’ve gathered a list of some different signs and symptoms that babies, toddlers, and children may experience and when they are a sign that your child may need to be taken to the doctor.
-Fever. Fevers are one of those things that can really freak parents out. The truth is though, that most fevers are just a sign that your child is fighting off something and that their bodies are just doing their jobs. Most fevers, unless very high, should not even be medicated. However, if your child’s fever is higher than 103 degrees or if a high fever lasts more than 24 hours, it is best to call your doctor.
-Cold symptoms. Cold symptoms vary between runny noses, cough, congestion, to a low grade fever. Most colds clear themselves up relatively fast. If your child is running a high fever or also has diarrhea or vomiting, it’s more likely to be some other viral illness and a trip to the doctors office may be in order.
-Vomiting. The most important thing to note here is that if your child is vomitting, you need to take extra precautions to make sure they do not become dehydrated. Becoming dehydrated can be very serious and very dangerous in infants, toddlers, and children. Offer your child plenty of fluids constantly to make sure this doesn’t happen. If your child is vomiting because of the flu, it should clear up between 24-48 hours. If unexplained vomiting occurs for longer than that, it’s time to head to the doctor. This could be a sign of a UTI or a number of other things that all require medical attention.
-Diharrea. Sometimes things we eat just don’t settle well. Especially in youngsters who are trying new foods and in toddlers who are stopping baby food and beginning to eat only table foods. If your child has diharrea for longer than one week and/or has other symptoms, make an appointment with your pediatrician for a check up and stool sample.
-Ear infections- If your child has a low grade fever, seems generally fussy, isn’t sleeping well, and says their ears are bothering them, chances are they probably have an ear infection. Ear infections require medication so a doctor visit will be in order. Ear infections are very common in children so don’t be too alarmed. Medicine will easily clear this up quickly.
-UTI. Uti’s are not TOO terribly common in children, but they happen. Sometimes the only symptom in your child is that they have cold symptoms. Some chidren may be overly fussy or be crying for no apparent reason. Older children may complain that it hurts when they use the restroom. A low grade fever and vomitting can be other symptoms. If you suspect that your child has a UTI, make a beeline to your pediatrician as this requires medication to be given as quickly as possible so it doesn’t turn into a kidney infection.
–Rashes. Many times rashes are just a sign that your child’s body is fighting off something and doing their job. Most rashes will also clear themselves up all on their own in no time. However, if your child has a rash that is itchy, bothering them, or taking a long time to clear up, call your doctor for a check up so they can pin point the cause.
Here is a list of 5 symptoms to NEVER ignore in your child.
-A fever over 103 degrees.
-An intense headache that doesn’t go away.
-A widespread rash that covers the entire body.
-A severe stomach bug causing dehydration.
-A stiff neck.
I hope this post gave you some new information. Being a parent means constantly worrying about our children’s health and safety and it’s important to know what signs and symptoms to be on the look out for and when you need to call a doctor.
*Disclosure: This is a post for reference. If there is any doubt, call the doctor.