We all know by now that we need to stay home as much as possible, only leaving the house for essential reasons, due to COVID-19. And we are all probably going a least a little crazy already, especially if you have kids at home. So, we thought we’d bring you a list of things to do with the kiddos during this time of social distancing that will bring smiles to your neighbors and show some love, from afar, during this scary time:
- Window posters. This fun idea is especially great if you live where the weather is nice! Have your kids draw and write cute messages on a big poster board, then tape it to a neighbor’s window on the outside. The next time they open their blinds, they’ll get a little pocketful of sunshine! If you don’t want to do posters, for fear of rain, use some window chalk/paint instead!
- Adults: next time you have to do your essential grocery store trip, grab an extra packaged treat (like a box of donuts and maybe a jug of chocolate milk?) and ask an associate to put it in their break room for everyone. Great way to let them know you’re thinking of them and appreciate their hard work!
- Leave a note on a neighbor’s car. Most of us don’t need to go far from our own doorstep to find a car we could leave a sweet note on.
- Have your kids record a video of them reading and email it to your extended family with little ones who can’t read yet. This helps entertain the kids, keep families feeling close, and gives mom and dad a break from a second! Everyone will love this!
- TP and egg someone’s house. Ding, dong, ditch a carton of eggs on their doorstep, along with a coveted (unopened) package of toilet paper and a cute note telling them they’ve been TP’ed and egged!
+1 more idea: decorate your windows with hearts and sweet messages for everyone to see as they walk or drive by. Many people are doing this and it’s a fun and easy way to connect with so many others out there.

What other ways could we spread some love and cheer during this awkward time of social distancing? Leave us a comment!
What to do after trying all five of these? Check out more boredom buster ideas from The Bald Report!