We all have days where we just don’t want to leave the house. It’s too hot, we don’t feel like loading the kids up in the car, there’s nowhere to go, we’re just feeling lazy. I know I have those days. But there are plenty of fun things to do at home to make the day go by quicker. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorites here for you!

-Legos/Blocks. What kid doesn’t like building with Legos or blocks? Most kids would love to build towers and castles with blocks all day long, no problem. See who can build the tallest towers and then have fun smashing them down.
-Coloring and painting. Bring out the easel, get papers and crayons or let your kids play with stickers. Got a whole bunch of broken crayons lying around? try this cute preschooler craft! Getting crafty can be so simple and inexpensive and chances are you already have all of the supplies laying around your house.
-Read. It’s so important to read to your children daily. Sit down, relax, and read stories with your kids.
-Movies. If it’s a hot day outside, stay indoors and watch a movie. Make popcorn, set up a fort, and just relax. Bring the movie theater to you.
-Learn something new. Do some table top time with your little ones. Practice tracing letters, the ABCs, or counting.
-Play dress up. Let your kids play dress up in your clothes or a hodge podge mix of their own clothes.
-Go swimming in the bathtub. Complete with goggles and flippers and toys of course!
-Puzzles and games. Spend the day playing cards or board games with the kids. Try this bingo style game that’s appropriate for the whole family!
-Play Hospital. Play hospital right in your own home. Let your kids be the doctor and put band aids on you, check your temperature, and nurse you back to health.
-Beauty salon. Let the kids get in your make up just this once. They can give each other (or you) fun makeovers!
-Play school. Your kids can be the teacher this time and you can be the student. Let them give you “homework” and assignments to do and remember to be on your best behavior.
-Spa day. Relax, paint nails, read magazines. Just like you’d do at a real salon only in the comfort of your own home.
-Super heros/Ninja Turtles/Battle. Sword fighting is our go to activity on days we stay home. My son loves to pretend to be Ninja Turtles or Super Hero’s complete with “weapons” and masks, the works. I have learned to be a really cool “boy mom.”
-Cook or bake. Make chocolate chip cookies with the kids, or have them help you prepare dinner for the night.
-Play doh/Clay. Make something beautiful out of play doh or clay and bake it if you want it to keep it’s shape forever. Don’t have any around the house? Check out our editor’s favorite recipes here!
What are some of your favorite things to do with your kiddos while staying home? Leave us a comment and let us know!