If you’re anything like me, the thought of artsy stuff and preschool crafts make you shudder. Sometimes I want to tell my 3 year old “I taught math to high school kids- I don’t know anything about drawing a horse!” But I do it anyway, because she loves it. Even if it does look like a rhino.
So when a friend posted this easy peasy children’s craft on Facebook, I thought this I can do! It’s so easy, how could we mess up?!
As it turned out, the children absolutely loved it! Here’s how to do it in simple steps:
Make Your Own Crayons
1. Take the paper off all the crayons.
2. Preheat oven to 250F.
3. Break all crayons into small pieces.
4. Spray vegetable oil on your mini-cupcake mold (if you don’t have vegetable oil like we didn’t, use muffin liners).
5. Put various colored crayons into the molds.
6. Put mold tray in oven for about 10 minutes (keep checking them, they melt fast!).
7. Remove tray and let them cool.
Voila! You have rainbow crayons, as we like to call them!
* Taking off the paper takes a while. Don’t do it right before lunch or when your child is tired. If you can have an older child watch and help, then you’ll have some quiet time to yourself while the kids are focused!
* Put something under the crayons while you’re taking the paper off because a lot of crayon bits got stuck to the table and were tricky to remove. Like an old sheet or something similar.
* You can either get lots of different colors in each mold so it looks like a rainbow, or put similar colors together if you want a “real” crayon. So all the blues and greens together, and all the pinks and reds together.
* Using a mini cupcake mold like we did, makes rock solid crayons. A friend used a normal sized cupcake mold and a few broke. Another problem might also be the type of crayon: you want Crayola wax ones. Some of the newer, cheaper crayons are made form other materials that don’t hold up well. The smaller the mold and waxier the crayon, the stronger it will be.