It’s time for Valentine’s Day Activities for kids! I love coming up with new ways to make a holiday special for my kids. Now that my oldest son is 8, he appreciates all the little things we do together (and they don’t have to cost money) so much more. Here are some creative ways to make your kids feel special this Valentine’s Day.
1. “Mail” a love letter (or card) to your child.
All kids love getting mail! There’s something about checking the mailbox and seeing a letter addressed to them that makes them so happy. Slip a letter or card into your mailbox, addressed to your child, telling them how much you love them, how proud you are of them for … (insert whatever it is you are proud of, being a great sister/brother, giving the best hugs and kisses, etc.), how much you miss them while they are at school, while you are at work, etc.
2. Plan a Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt.
Make a treasure map and plant clues all around the house. At the end of the hunt, hide a letter, a new toy, a piece of candy, or something special.
3. Sidewalk Chalk Love Letters.
Practice letters (I L-O-V-E Y-O-U) and shapes (hearts) with your kids on the sidewalk. Write a special note and read it to them out loud.
4. Nature Walk with Hearts.
Plan out a nature walk outside, go on the walk before you take your kids and draw hearts in the snow, dirt, sand or lay out cut out paper hearts… make a trail that ends with a message that reads: Mommy and Daddy love (insert kids names) in the snow, dirt, sand or on a paper.
5. Red Heart Meals.
Plan the day around making everything red and heart shaped. Make strawberry heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast, raspberry smoothie and red apples cut or arranged in heart shapes for snack, stuffed red peppers for lunch, pizza with peperoni cut in the shape of hearts or pasta with red sauce and heart-shaped garlic bread (with a pinch of paprika for color) for dinner.
What are some fun ways you’ve made Valentine’s Day special for your kids? We hope you’ll try one of these Valentine’s Day Activities.