The word “wean” means a passage from one relationship to another –not a loss or detachment from a relationship. The weaning process begins the first time your baby takes food from a source other than your breast – whether it’s formula from a bottle or mashed banana from a spoon. Weaning is the gradual replacement of breastfeeding with …
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I won’t lie- breastfeeding wasn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I definitely faced a learning curve and it took me almost 6 full weeks before I felt confident and comfortable nursing my son. Some moms take to breastfeeding almost instantly while others struggle to nurse their new baby. If you have a new mom …
Before I actually started breastfeeding I had a pretty limited knowledge of what all it would entail. I recalled my mom breastfeeding my two sisters and there was mention of it in my Bradley birth class. I really wanted to nurse my baby, and do it well, but the actual logistics of breastfeeding were a bit …
In honor of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, I wanted to share a few breastfeeding accessories that I felt extremely helpful during my 13 month run breastfeeding my son. I am also currently expecting my second child, who I plan to also breastfeed, so this list will serve as a great reminder of what accessories I …
Do you know the symptoms of tongue tie or lip tie? After years of dreaming, fertility treatment, and nine months of preparation, my son was born by an natural birth in the hospital. I knew the importance of skin-to-skin contact and initiating breastfeeding as soon as possible, so I helped my son latch on to …
Look how far we’ve come. Look how far we still have to go ….. A few days ago, you could not turn on the TV, open Facebook, read an article or type a tweet without seeing Caitlyn Jenner pushing up her new girls for the world to admire. And we admired. Good for her! Power to you …
Four years ago I was in the middle of my maternity leave and pumping like crazy to prepare for my return to work the first week of February. I was nervous; anxious even. How would I pump enough? How would I emotionally handle being away from my baby? How would I balance work and motherhood? …
Are you or someone you know expecting twins and hoping to breastfeed? When I was registering for my twin baby shower, I knew I needed to rethink my nursing pillow situation. Of course, I still had the pillow I had used with my first born, but how the heck was I going to nurse two …
In December 2012, a friend of mine found out she was having twins. My sweet friend began researching all sorts of twin related info, and as a follower of hers on Pinterest, I was privy to her twin-spired Pins. For example, a video of a woman nursing her twins. Curious about the life my cherished …
Nobody wants to think about breast cancer. It’s a scary subject, right? Okay, how many of you do a monthly breast self-exam, raise your hand? That’s what I thought! There are a lot of you who aren’t doing them. Come on ladies! Let’s get to know our breasts a little better! We go out of …
“You’re still nursing him at night? Aren’t you worried he’s going to be a bad sleeper?” This is a question I was recently asked by someone about nursing my 18 month old. It’s 2014. People, come on. Don’t we know better than to believe breastfeeding myths? We have amazing sources here and here! Pick one and …
Babies are a blessing, but they are also expensive! You could save a ton of money by cloth diapering your baby and by breastfeeding, which is the healthiest feeding option for little ones. But if disposable diapers are more your style and you can’t or choose not to breastfeed, here are some tips for saving …