Ah, Valentine’s Day! A time to buy a box of the crappiest, most-character-covered, cheapest cards I can find, or to spend more money and time than the end products are worth to craft Pinterest-inspired, Instagram-worthy Valentines. All so my child—who can’t read—can give them to her classmates. Who also can’t read. If we’re really lucky, …
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Tips for Mom "EDGE" Series
1. Can I get my own grocery cart? This sounds benign enough until you find yourself shopping with the equivalent of a poorly trained NASCAR driver with no concept of ankles. You spend the entire shopping trip with the feeling that gremlins are chasing you with intention of running into your heels as many times …
Mom Vacation. Not every mother gets to go on vacation. And by vacation, I mean being away from your home city at a radius of no less than 100 miles with no kids. If you go to Hawaii, but you go with your kids, you’re just working on location. There is nothing about that trip …
Look how far we’ve come. Look how far we still have to go ….. A few days ago, you could not turn on the TV, open Facebook, read an article or type a tweet without seeing Caitlyn Jenner pushing up her new girls for the world to admire. And we admired. Good for her! Power to you …
Dear Teenage Girl, I know you, young lady. I can hear your heart beating, sometimes in that irregular way, when that boy walks by. I know that you don’t make eye contact with him, at least not often, and if you do it’s by accident. I know how those braces make you feel, maybe some …
My kids want play dates more than they want candy. After a long day at school the first thing my son asks is, “Can I have a playdate?” It’s also the first thing out of his mouth at 8am on a quiet Sunday morning. “Can you call Tommy’s mom and ask if he can come …
Warning: This article is part of “The Edge” series and may not appeal to those without a sense of humor or those who are completely opposed to any and all swear words. 🙂 I was born in the 70’s. There was a lot of smoking and no car seats during that decade. My Halloween masks …
Having a colicky baby is tough and tired business no matter what, but it’s unnecessary, cruel and unusual hell for first time mothers. We’re neurotic, worried, tired, possibly hurting because there are stitches in our VAGINAS (or perhaps a gaping hole in our stomachs), and we feel like we don’t know what in the fresh …
As moms, the day is sometimes a series of events which call on our best efforts to swallow rage and exercise patience. Those days when all we’re doing is getting through it, possibly throwing up a prayer to the good Lord that we don’t maim an innocent bystander. On these days, we don’t give a …
Warning: This article is part of “The Edge” series and may not appeal to those without a sense of humor or those who are completely opposed to any and all swear words. 🙂 No dammit, not Christmas. Halloween! Get out your scary masks, gooey eyeballs, and vampire bats because Halloween is where it’s at. I …