I only have 2 kids and I feel incredibly busy; I can only imagine how mothers with more children feel. But no matter how many kids we have, we all feel busy and stressed quite often. Raising a kid is tough, and teaching them how to navigate life is overwhelming, all while feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day. So to help combat this, I’ve rounded up some great life hacks from some fantastic, real mothers that might save you time, energy, and your sanity! Hope they help!
“Read/sing songs to your older child while you are nursing/feeding your younger child so they don’t feel left out” –Jacquelyn B.
“Teaching my toddler how to climb in and over to his car seat so when baby arrived, he was used to having to climb in by himself instead of me lifting two kids in one at a time.” –Meredeth B.
“I water the daylights out of juice (but still leave enough to taste good and make popsicles out of it)! My kid loves them and I’m all for less sugar highs!” –Aubrey G.
“Need something to keep your snacks in without getting crushed? I reused a butter tub!” –LilyFaye M.
“During potty training, my daughter was still managing to pee up and over the pee guard! So I started telling her, ‘Make your knees kiss’ and she hasn’t peed over the potty since!” –Heather H.
“Any age kid: Christmas or birthdays, let them open all the gifts but then have them pick their favorite and leave that one out. Hide the rest, possibly even rewrap them. Every month or so, bring out one gift at a time and put the old one away. It’s like getting a new toy every month, no extra spending for parents, and no crazy overload!” –Shannon G.
For a healthy snack that will cool your kid off in the summer, freeze grapes. Tasty, cool, and healthy! Gogurts frozen are a good alternative to popsicles, or you can squeeze out yogurt dots on wax paper on a cookie sheet and freeze them for frozen yogurt dots!
“Banana ice cream! Cut up a ripe banana, freeze it, then blend it up and it’s seriously just like ice cream!” –Laura G.
“I attach a booster seat to a metal folding chair as a high chair. Then when the chair gets gross, I just take a shower with the chair.” –Maycee N.
“Use egg beaters to shred up chicken! Makes it super fast and easy!” –Alex H.
“When your kids lose their teeth, have them stick it in a cup of water next to their bed. When they’re sleeping, swap it out with a glass of water that you’ve food colored & add some glitter (like the tooth fairy left color when she grabbed the tooth).” –Tabitha S.
“I use the phrase ‘Heels to the Wheels’ and [my toddler] stands against the wheels of the car. I can say that same phrase anywhere else and show him where I want him to stand and he’ll stay there. It’s helpful at the store and other places when I need him to stay put!” –Meredeth B.
Put blue food coloring in the toilet so when your potty training toddler pees, it turns green! Makes going on the potty more fun!
“Have hubby bring baby to you to nurse at night, then take him/her back when you’re done. Waking up multiple times a night isn’t as exhausting when you don’t have to actually get out of bed.” –Jessica R.
“So my daughter has this thing of taking her pants off when she’s sleeping so to solve the issue and prevent a huge mess, I put her pants on first, then snap the onsie over it.” –Annmarie L.
“Vacuum while the baby is asleep. This is supposed to cut down on them being afraid of the vacuum (worked for my kids).” –Jacquelyn B.
“Don’t warm up your baby’s water for formula when they are a baby. Instead, get them used to room temperature water so you don’t have to worry about warming up water while you’re out and about!” –Tiffany R.
The shoulder flaps on a baby’s onsie are made so you can slip it down in the event of a blowout.
And my personal favorite of the life hacks: “Hide good snacks you don’t want to share in a box of food your child or hubby doesn’t like.” –Shannon G.
(Or hide the good snacks so hubby doesn’t know they’re even there and won’t judge me for how many cookies I’m eating every day!)
Which life hack was your favorite? Which will you want to start using? Do you have any mom or life hacks that you’ve found to be useful? PLEASE, for the sake of my sanity, share them in the comments and help a sista out!
Thursday 6th of October 2016
I use the gas tank square (the spot that opens to fill it up) as the "Safe Spot" one had has to be on it at all times. That way I know where my daughter is while I load/unload the car. Actually now she puts herself in the car and buckles up but I will definitely uae it again when the baby gets older!