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Mom Life Hacks You Need To Know Sooner Than Later

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If you’re a new mom or soon to be mom, I’m going to save you some time and sanity with this list of hacks you’ll need sooner rather than later. These are just some of the things I wish I had known about MUCH sooner!

Grocery pickup and/or delivery: This is a thing now; use it! Believe me, springing for that extra $5ish bucks to get your groceries brought straight to your car so you don’t have to get your sleeping baby out of the car is SO worth it!

hacks clicklist

Get a robot vacuum: Pricey, maybe, but so worth it to save up and buy one. Seriously, I actually look like I care enough to tend my floors now. And all I’m doing differently is pressing one button to send that little vacuum to go do its thing! Goodbye, crumb-laden bare feet.

Don’t fold the onesies: Seriously, don’t waste your time on this. It’s not worth it. They don’t fold well, there’s a million of them, and out of all the more important things you will tend to in your day, this is not one of them. No one cares if your baby’s drawers are organized and cute. Pull those things from the laundry basket and move on.

Follow Clean Mama: Need to have a clean/organized home or you’ll go crazy? Clean Mama will help you do no more than 15-30 minutes of cleaning a day in order to have a home you’d be proud to show off to visitors. Really, you’ll get compliments from people who think you spend a lot longer cleaning than you did.

Wear your baby: Whether it’s a Boba, Moby Wrap, ring sling, Solly Baby, or any of the other brands/styles, wear the crap out of your baby. To the grocery store, doing laundry, vacuuming, on dates, whenever you safely can. The bonding is great but really, it’s the hands-free convenience that drives this hack!

hacks baby wearing

Workout at home with YouTube videos: My favorite is Bikini Body Mommy, Fitness Blender, and The Fitness Marshall. Your kids will get involved whether you like it or not so make the most of it.

Open your blinds: It’s tempting to leave them closed, especially when you have a newborn and you’re getting the hang of the constant breastfeeding. But open them up and get some of that sunshine. You need it to bolster your mood and your baby needs it, too. This may be the most important of my hacks to heed so thrown on your sweats on and a shirt .

Find your mom tribe: Whether it’s a tribe of other moms online or in person, find yourself some moms who know what you’re going through. And don’t forget to be their tribe in return.


For those more seasoned mommas reading this article, what other hacks have you found useful in your years of parenting? Share them with us!

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